On Jun 8, Pedro A Reche Gallardo said:

>Hi all, I have a file with  20 columns of positive and negative  decimal
>numbers (eg: 9.782 -8.983) separated by a black space, and everycolumn
>is marked on top with an single alphabet letter.

>A      D      C      B
>9.782 -8.983 -3.483 -3.219
>0.995 -0.330 9.994 -4.000
>and, I would like to reorder them to look as follows.
>A      B       C     D
>9.782 -3.219 -3.483 -8.893
>0.995 -4.000 9.994 -0.330

I take it you mean you have some columns, and their headers are not in
sorted alphabetical order, and you want them to be.  A simple solution is
to sort the header row's INDICES, and use those values to print the data
in each row in the proper order.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use strict;

  open IN, "< $ARGV[0]" or die "can't read $ARGV[0]: $!";
  open OUT, "> $ARGV[0].new" or die "can't write $ARGV[0].new: $!";

  # get header line
  my @headers = split ' ', <IN>;

  my @idx = sort { $headers[$a] cmp $headers[$b] } 0 .. $#headers;

  # print header line in proper order
  print OUT join("\t", @headers[@idx]), "\n";

  # print data rows in proper order
  print OUT join(" ", (split ' ')[@idx]), "\n" while <IN>;

  close IN;
  close OUT;

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
I am Marillion, the wielder of Ringril, known as Hesinaur, the Winter-Sun.
Are you a Monk?  http://www.perlmonks.com/     http://forums.perlguru.com/
Perl Programmer at RiskMetrics Group, Inc.     http://www.riskmetrics.com/
Acacia Fraternity, Rensselaer Chapter.         Brother #734
**      Manning Publications, Co, is publishing my Perl Regex book      **

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