On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Bryan Gmyrek wrote:

> Hi, I tried to do this, but it didn't really work because first I
> declare an array like this:
> my @day;
> Then I did as you said...
> Then, I add information using things like:
> $day[$ext]{$line[2]}{$line[0]}{pages}=$line[1];

Oh, yeah, you're doing some pretty complex data structures there.  You
will want to use the MLDBM module instead.  You'll have to get it from
CPAN.  It is uses Data::Dumper to store complex data structures.  It works
like this:

use MLDBM 'DB_File';

tie (%myhash, 'MLDBM', [other args]) or die "...";

$myhash{$somekey} = ["some data", "more data"];

Be very careful, though, because you can't do:

$myhash{$somekey}->[0] = "even more data";

This is a limitation of the hash interface (you can't manipulate data via
references on the disk).  Instead, use temp variables:

$moredata = $myhash{$somekey};
$moredata->[0] = "even more data";
$myhash{$somekey} = $moredata;

-- Brett
Having a wonderful wine, wish you were beer.

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