On Friday 15 June 2001 01:59 pm, you wrote:
> Ok, I'll take a different approach to my question.
> Is there anyone out there who runs their PERL scripts on a Windows Me
> driven computer? If so, what version of PERL do you use and "EXACTLY"  what
> steps do you take to get your scripts to run on your system. (Porperty
> settings, command line option, batch files, the whole nine). Also are there
> any Books or online documents that consentrates exclusively on running PERL
> scripts on a windows me system. All I want to do is practice my scripts as
> I'm learning PERL But It seems like getting the scripts to run is harder
> than learning the actual Language.

What I do when trying to run a perl script under M$ is run it from the 
command line:  perl scriptName.pl

You need to make sure that you have the perl executable in your path. (Your 
path can be found in C:\autoexec.bat)

The options for perl on the DOS command line, at least from my experience, 
are the same as those under the Unices.

If you haven't already, I try not to make assumptions :-), get ActivePerl 
from http://www.activestate.com, they make all of thier documantation, 
including how to use perl under Win32, available in HTML format, so you just 
need to open a web browser and point it to 

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