Use a hash vs array, use the number as a hash key.  If key exists,
then get the next number until you have the number of unique numbers

        next if ( exists $Unique{$RandomNumber} );
        $Unique{$RandomNumber} = 1;

        for printing:
        foreach my $MyKey (sort keys %RandomNumber ) {
         # print goes here

Wags ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 09:51
Subject: populating an array with unique integers.

I want to create an array, and populate it with random numbers, they should
be unique and sorted (I can sort at the output).  I'm stuck at the unique

generate a random number;
check if the number exists in the array,
     if it exists generate a new one,
     check again until a unique number is found.

once unique add too next place in array.

I think the perldocs are confusing me.



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