
very good...
no need to feel dirty.. just feel that you have WAY too much spare time
trying to unobfuscate what i wrote =)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Chas Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Joining variables

> On 27 Jun 2001 19:56:49 +0200, Jos I. Boumans wrote:
> > the obvious proof i have too much time:
> >
> > for(join'',map{$_.=$:}@{[qw(2000 05 08)]}){s/\s//g&&chop&&print}
> >
> > Jos
> <snip />
> Okay, I think you win.  Please let me know if my attempt at an
> explaination of your abomination (modified slightly to be closer to the
> rest of the other answers already in thread) is incorrect in any way.
> <code>
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> my $var1 = '2001';
> my $var2 = "06";
> my $var3 = "27";
> my $newvar;
> # $: is (by default) " \n-"
> for(                  #sets $_ to the value of the join below
> join '',              #join every element of array created by map
>                       #with nothing as seperator
> map{$_ .= $:}         #take every element of array built below
>                       #and append $: (" \n-")
> @{                    #dereference the arrayref about to be created
> [$var1, $var2, $var3] #create an array ref to an array containing vars
> }) {                  #end of for loop declaration
>        s/\s//g        #remove all whitespace from $_ (gets rid of the
>                       #" \n"s from the map)
>        &&             #if substitute is successful then
>        chop           #remove the last - from $_
>        &&             #if chop is successful then
>        ($newvar = $_) #assign date to $newvar
> }                     #end of for
> print "$newvar\n";
> </code>
> I feel dirty now.
> --
> Today is Pungenday, the 32nd day of Confusion in the YOLD 3167

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