On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 11:12:34PM -0400, Bill Pierson wrote:
> Thanks for your replies. Actually, I'd like to be able to modify system
> config files, stop and restart daemons, etc.
> I'm not aware of the different ways to accomplish this; any tips would be
> appreciated.
> The server is in a "protected" environment.....

If by "protected" you mean everyone who can ever possibly access this
machine has password-less root access, then go for it.

If not, then you probably shouldn't be providing such things through a web
interface.  If you insist on it, my best suggestions are:

    * write small, easily audited setuid programs to do very specific tasks
    * write small, easily audited CGI scripts, that verify every single
      parameter in the strictest possible way, to execute the aforementioned
      setuid program
    * give the web server a user id used by nothing else
    * make the setuid programs executable only by the web server user
    * password protect the site using the basid or md5 auth scheme (no
      cookies, no nifty HTML authentication and session doohickies)
    * put the site behind strong SSL encryption, with no way to access it
    * use a dedicated web server process for this
    * firewall packets to and from that port to only the IP addresses of
      authorized individuals
    * setup your web server configuration to allow only connections to the
      aforemention authorized IP addresses
    * reduce the number of modules, plugins, or whatever your web server
      uses to the absolute bare minimum to handle these administrative

Even after doing the above, you are opening a hole in your security.  If any
of the above measures isn't taken, or some small part is overlooked, you are
opening yourself up to a security breach.  Even if you do all of the above
correctly either you or I, or both of us, missed something, and you are
opening yourself up to a security breach.

Be paranoid, security is never 100%.  If at all, avoid doing this altogether. 

Administrator                      www.shoebox.net
Programmer, System Administrator   www.gallanttech.com

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