I would call back server Admin and ask them to take off FrontPage Extensions :)

However, Windows2000 is pretty good at transferring files in the correct 
format.  I actually use the Windows Explorer as my ftp client, and it 
handles cgi and pl scripts just fine.

Plus, if you're using Network Places to transfer data around, it means 
you're going through the local network, which means you're transferring 
files in much the same way as you move them from one folder to another -- 
ie, you've got nothing to worry about :)

At 00:27 03.07.2001 -0500, RL Autry wrote:
>Hello everyone:
>We are new to the list and need to find out the following:
>Our server Admin just told us that we are now on Windows2000 with 
>FrontPage Extensions installed.
>They warned us about using FTP in order to transfer files. They said FTP 
>would corrupt the FrontPage Extensions.
>They advised us to use our "Network Places" instead for file transfer.
>Does anyone know how we can tell our Windows2000 Professional Operating 
>system (Network Places) that it is moving a .pl or .cgi, ect file so that 
>we can be sure it does it in ASCII?

Aaron Craig

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