I have the same problem with Apache / Win2000 if I run Apache as a 
service.  If I run Apache by itself (ie, start up from the command line, 
not from the Services menu) I can shut down Apache if I get Perl in an 
infinite loop, and then Task Manager allows me to shut down the Perl process.

I recently installed a newer version of Apache, and it seems to only run as 
a service, so I, too, have to reboot the system every time I write poorly 
checked code.  Which brings up the point of why we get infinite loops 
anyway -- for me, at least, it's usually because of sloppy 
coding.  However, when I really get stuck and can't figure out why the darn 
thing won't work, I usually use a debug variable to force me out of the 
loop after a while:

my $debug = 0;
while((condition that may never become false) && $debug < 1000)

At 11:42 04.07.2001 +0800, Rajeev Rumale wrote:
>I have a win2k server running IIS.
>Because of some programming error I tend to get caught into some infinit
>loop while testing the scripts.
>We know each such request for he script will start a new process for
>"perl.exe". The process in not dieing by itself after timeout.  And also am
>unable to kill it using Task manager.  The only way i get rid of this is by
>rebooting the system.
>Kindly advice if there  better option for killing the process or testing
>such loops which might get into infinit loop.
>Rajeev Rumale
>Rajeev Rumale
>MyAngel.Net Pte Ltd.,                                            Phone  :
>(65)8831530 (office)
>#04-01, 180 B, The Bencoolen,                               Email  :
>Bencoolen Street, Singapore - 189648                     ICQ    : 121001541
>Website : www.myangel.net

Aaron Craig

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