Err, why??

Try this

my %funcs=(
    "one"=> \&first,
    "two"=> \&second,

sub first {
        print "First";

sub second {
        print "Second";


It's messy and relies on you naming you subroutines to match the static data
stored in %funcs. It will introduce more possible points of failure in the
code, make it harder to debug and maintain. Unless you've got a really good
reason why you need to do this, I'd suggest you don't.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pozsar Balazs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 July 2001 17:33
Subject: pointers to subs?

Hi all,

I would want to use a hash to keep pointers to functions, and then call
them, but i'm stuck.

I create:
my %funcs=(
    "one"=>           \&first,
    "two"=>           \&second);

Then how can I call 'first'? Obviously, using %funcs, i mean :).

Balazs Pozsar.

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