On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 04:22:01PM +0200, Birgit Kellner wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using File::Find and File::Copy to accomplish the following:
> check a directory tree for all files that end in *.html and copy them to a 
> different directory, preserving the tree structure.
> The following code works fine provided that all subdirectories already 
> exist. But is there a way to add the requirement "if the subdirectory does 
> not yet exist, create it?"

Yes, File::Path::mkpath.  For example:

  use File::Basename qw(dirname);
  use File::Path     qw(mkpath);

> foreach $file (@files) {
> ###   $destfile will be the copied file in subdir admin, $file the original 
> file in $origdir or one of its subdirectories
>       $file =~ m/($origdir)(.*\/)(.*)$/;
>       $file =~ /($origdir)(.*?)(^\S+\.html)/;
>       $destfile = "$targetdir$2$3"; #


mkpath will raise a fatal exception in the face of failure, so you may want
to wrap it in an eval block and check the return value.

>       copy ("$file", "$destfile") || die (print "can't copy");

Your die here doesn't make much sense.  The die function prints out its
arguments, you don't need to print the error message with print.

>       push (@destfiles, $destfile);
> }

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