
I am using File::Find and File::Copy to accomplish the following:
check a directory tree for all files that end in *.html and copy them to a 
different directory, preserving the tree structure.
The following code works fine provided that all subdirectories already 
exist. But is there a way to add the requirement "if the subdirectory does 
not yet exist, create it?"


Birgit Kellner

### first we find all files in all subdirectories of directory "$origdir" 
which end in *.html and
### push them into an array

$origdir = "original directory which contains lots of subdirectories with 
$targetdir = "target directory into which all subdirectories with all 
html-files are to be copied";

use File::Find;
use File::Copy;

find (\&wanted, $origdir);

sub wanted {
        if ($File::Find::name =~ /\.html/) {
        push (@files, $File::Find::name)

### now we copy all files stored in the array
### to $targetdir, preserving the subdirectory structure.

foreach $file (@files) {
###     $destfile will be the copied file in subdir admin, $file the original 
file in $origdir or one of its subdirectories

        $file =~ m/($origdir)(.*\/)(.*)$/;
        $file =~ /($origdir)(.*?)(^\S+\.html)/;
        $destfile = "$targetdir$2$3"; #
        copy ("$file", "$destfile") || die (print "can't copy");
        push (@destfiles, $destfile);


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