Wothout code and the format of the log file I can only suggest this ... others
might have other ideas ..

You could read in the line and try to split on the line to put the list
elements into a hash ... the key of hte hash would be the converted time/date
stamp in epoch .... then you can loop through the hash and check the timestamp
there ...

alternatively (assuming I understand the problem correctly) u could just
simply ignore or remove the elements that are not wha tyou want and then do
the comparison .. then u will be guaranteed to have data that you wanted in
the first place ..

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 10:56:42AM -0500, Najamuddin, Junaid shaped the electrons to 
> Hi,
> I am new with Perl
> if someone can help me out
> I wrote a script which reads two files and compares them and then prints out
> what is missing
> but since the txt files are kind of log files they have time and date column
> in it
> what i want is to out put only 2 hours old log after comparing
> how can i do that
> thanks
> junaid
> -- 
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