Do you want    $date = "@months[$mon]/$mday/$year";
or     $date = "$months[$mon]/$mday/$year";


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: Date and Time

> Hi
> I'm trying to get my script to recognize the date and time.
> I thought I had it but I keep getting errors all over.
> Please take a look and tell me whats wrong
> Thanks
> # Here we define the variables
> use strict;
> my $htpasswd = 'c:\apache\htdocs\members\.htpasswd';
> my $database = 'c:\apache\members.db';
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print 'Please write this down as it will not be emaild ', "\n";
> print 'for your own security ', "\n";
> # Here is the random gereration string.
> my ($username, $password) = (random_string(), random_string());
> print "Username: $username\n";
> print "Password: $password\n";
> sub random_string {
>   my($string) = '';
>   my($length) = 8;
>   my(@chars) = ('A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9);
>   while (length($string) != $length) {
>     $string .= $chars[ rand @chars ];
>   }
>   return($string);
> }
> # everything ok, let's write to database.
> open (DATABASE, ">>$database");
> flock (DATABASE, 2);
> print DATABASE "$username|$password|$date\n";
> flock (DATABASE, 8);
> close (DATABASE);
> # everything ok, now we write to the password file.
> my $uselog = 1;
> if ($uselog eq '1') {
>    open (LOG, ">>$htpasswd");
>    print LOG "$username:$password:$date\n";
>    close (LOG);
> } 
> sub get_date {
>         ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
> localtime(time);
>         @months =
> ("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12");
>         @digits = split(//,$sec);
>         $size = @digits;
>         if ($size == 1) {
>                 $sec = "0$sec";
>         }
>         @digits = split(//,$min);
>         $size = @digits;
>         if ($size == 1) {
>                 $min = "0$min";
>         }
>         $year=$year+1900;
>         $date = "@months[$mon]/$mday/$year";
> }
> -- 
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