From: Amit Saxena
> The client for which I am working will not allow any external utility /
> modules to be installed on their development / production environments.
> Moreover they want the solution implemented using Perl only.

If they won't allow any utilities, how will you install this one? They have to 
learn how be reasonable before you will be able to do much for them.

Ping will only tell you that the target computer is up, still connected to the 
network and reachable from your workstation. It won't tell you if the 
particular service[*] you want to monitor is still alive. For that you need to 
create a thread that actively monitors that service. It has to open a 
connection to the service and keep it open. Then either send an empty message 
periodically over that connection or set the keep-alive interval to some 
reasonable period and enable them. How you determine that period depends on how 
quickly you need to know the server is down. No, the two hour default is not 
reasonable. For POS systems that need real-time responses we set a sixty second 
interval. That way we know about network, server or workstation outages within 
two minutes.

Bob McConnell

[*] See /etc/services for service to port map.

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