>>Uri Guttman

Thank you for the code pointers Uri, It's much appreciated.

>a couple of things. it is good that you are offering to help but as you
>claim not to be an expert, it can hurt more than help. there are plenty
>of experts on this list who can help and fixing up weak code offered
>from beginners makes our work even harder. feel free to jump in with
>ideas and questions but until you are sure of your skills, it is best to
>not offer coding solutions.

My code was offered for my own benefit (as you pointed out quite a few of my
errors for me) and as a benefit to the requester. The code did produce the
expected results albeit with some bad coding that is why I posted it.
In my humble opinion I do think that beginners will benefit from this
I know I did learn a lot.

>secondly, please don't top post. you are quoting the entire previous
>post below your email. google for top posting and you will learn why
>this is a bad (if prevalent) email style.

As far as "top posting" ... it makes a lot of sense not to do that.
I will cultivate new posting habits on this list and propagate them to the
other lists I belong to. It will greatly improve their readability.


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