Uri Guttman wrote:

> making a basic procedural sub into a class method for no reason
> means you pass useless data (the class name) and ignore it in the
> sub. that to me is a poor API.

Point well taken.

>   SB> Besides... I'm at a stage where I'd rather carry on with Perl BCP and
>   SB> coding, as opposed to changing gears and learning how the Exporter
>   SB> works. Uri's suggestion of the '_' private prefix keeps things well in
>   SB> check.
> that _ prefix isn't my idea, it is in perlstyle i believe and is a
> common convention for internal methods (those only called by other
> methods in the current class).

My apologies to Chas. Owens, as it was him, and not Uri who first
brought that particular style to my attention before I had engaged it's
importance in any other doc.

I thought that it was commented within a post along-side dispatch
tables, but I was wrong.

Here is the post where Chas. pointed it out:


> class methods are external and shouldn't
> use that (see the second call above).

I use "_" for routines that should never be called unless $self is
calling them from within the module itself. What I meant by the use of
"_" was that it's an easy way to identify which routines are purely
internal. I have no experience on calling my methods via the class... I
always create an object first. Habit, I guess.


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