On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Octavian Râsnita <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use ActivePerl and not
> Strawberry. I've tried Strawberry Perl but I found very many modules I
> couldn't install with it, the PPM under that distro of Perl has less
> features than ActiveState's one, I also need ActiveState PDK that also
> requires ActivePerl, so...

The primary module installation method on Strawberry is the CPAN client.
I think the Strawberry developers would be very happy if you reported
every problem you encounter to them and to the actual author of the module.
That will help them know which modules need attention to make life even
easier for Perl users on Win32.

Could you please tell us what does PDK give you?


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