>>first,what is the meaning of  if($pcs =~ /(\d+)/ && $pcs =~ /\./) ,

$pc should contain at least 1 or more digits and it should also contain a
decimal point i.e '.'

>>I can’t understand the re /\./

It is escaping the dot  character i.e '.' - thus normal behaviour of '.' to
match a single character won't take place and '.' would be matched


2009/11/19 gaochong <zjgaoch...@gmail.com>

> Now I have see the following page ,but I have some question and need help .
> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SU/SUJAI/Process-Detail-0.1.pl
> first,what is the meaning of  if($pcs =~ /(\d+)/ && $pcs =~ /\./) ,I can’t
> understand the re /\./
> sub hidden
> {
> print "\n##########Hidden processlist###############\n\n";
> foreach $pcs (readdir(DIR))
> {
> if($pcs =~ /(\d+)/ && $pcs =~ /\./)
> {
> &detailedview("$pcs");
> }
> }
> }
> the second , @array=split(/([A-Z]+(_|[A-Z])+\=.[^A-Z]+)/,$_);
> also
> the re \=.[^A-Z]+ what’s it ?
> open(FILE,"<$envir");
> while(<FILE>)
> {
> @array=split(/([A-Z]+(_|[A-Z])+\=.[^A-Z]+)/,$_);
> thanks

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