On Feb 16, 5:40 am, shawnhco...@gmail.com (Shawn H Corey) wrote:
> C.DeRykus wrote:
> > On Feb 15, 12:35 pm, shawnhco...@gmail.com (Shawn H Corey) wrote:
> >> Normally a program continues but if it is waiting or sleeping, it
> >> continues after the command.  You have to redo the command until it
> >> terminates correctly.  Example:  waiting for a child process:
> >> my $child_pid = 0;
> >> WAIT_BLOCK: {
> >>   $child_pid = wait();
> >>   redo WAIT_BLOCK if $child_pid == 0 || $child_pid < -1;
> >> }
> > No, you don't need 'redo'  on a blocking wait.  I see why you
> > might conclude that  reading the waitpid doc but I believe the
> > that doc is mis-leading in not clarifying that only a non-blocking
> > wait, ie, WNOHANG, will potentially return a 0.
> From the man page on wait:  Otherwise they block until either a child
> changes state or a signal handler interrupts the call.
> The system call wait(2) does return when interrupted by a signal.  What
> is not clear in the Perl documentation is whether it puts a wrapper
> around the wait(2) to filter out when it returns from a signal.
> So, be paranoid:  put the wait in a block and redo it until its response
> is not -1 or positive.

No, you don't need to do that.  If the child is interrupted by an
signal,   the child terminates and its status can be inspected, eg.

   use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";

   my $reaped_pid = wait();
   if  (  WIFSIGNALED($?)  ) {    #  uncaught signal
          print "child terminated by a  ", WTERMSIG($?), "\n";

( See perlipc.  Also, 5.10 introduced something called
    ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} mentioned in the wait
     doc whose significance  I don't understand completely.)

> Note that this is also true of sleep; it may return early if interrupted
> by a signal.

sleep is implemented with a SIGALRM and, if there're dueling SIGALRM
signals, you can get an early return, but that's a different issue.

Charles DeRykus

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