On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 4:36 AM, Dermot <paik...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 16 March 2010 00:29, Doug Cacialli <doug.cacia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Building Lingua-Stem
>> Can't locate Lingua/Stem.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
>> C:/strawberry/perl/lib C:strawberry/perl/site/lib
>> c:\strawberry\perl\vendor\lib .) at lib/Lingua/test.pl line 2.
>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/Lingua/test.pl line 3.
>> lib/Lingua/test.pl failed at
>> C:/strawberry/perl/lib/Module/Build/Base.pm line 2795.
> I'm not familiar with Strawberry perl but the error says it can't find
> Lingua::Stem. It looks like this is happening during the testing
> process. Is it possible to download the package and attempt to install
> in manually? You could then set PERL5LIB to include the path to the
> to-be-installed Lingua-Stem/lib or edit the test .pl and use lib.
> HTH,
> Dp.
> --
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Thank you for the help, Dermot.  Could you (or someone else on the
list) provide some detail regard how to set PERL5LIB to include the
path to the to-be-installed Lingua-Stem/lib, or edit the test.pl and
use lib?  I tried manually installing; perl Build.PL worked fine,
build choked and produced the same error as above.  I was able to find
Lingua/Stem.pl ... it's in the Lingua-Stem-0.83 directory
(./lib/Lingua/Stem.pl) I extracted from the compressed install file I
got from CPAN.  Is that helpful?

I poked around through some online documentation for about 45 minutes
- I've reached the end of my present skill.


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