I have a test harness set up with a series of Selenium test scripts.
Each script tests a specific scenario on my web site. But I have some
scenarios that I want to test multiple times with different data entered
each time. Currently I am using environment parameters to pass the test
data into each script. But that doesn't work for multiple passes, since
I have no way to save the base data and restore it after modifying it.

Since I'm stuck with MS-Windows, the test suite is run from a batch file
like so:

  @echo off
  REM This script sets a number of environment parameters, then runs all
of the Perl
  REM test scripts in the Tests/ directory.
  REM First we set some basic parameters
  set MMID_BROWSER=firefox
  set MMID_SITE=tst11.dev
  set MMID_BUILD=0044_00
  set mmid_user=devmmi...@tpsmail.dev
  set MMID_PWD=password1
  set MMID_USID=146702
  REM Then run all of the Perl test scripts in the Tests directory.
  perl -MTest::Harness -e "@ARGV= map glob, @ARGV   if  $^O =~ /^MSWin/;
runtests @ARGV;" Tests/*.pl

Each test script starts out something like this:

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
  use Test::WWW::Selenium;
  use Test::More tests => 24;
  use Test::Exception;
  use Env;
  my $browser = $ENV{'MMID_BROWSER'};
  my $site = $ENV{'MMID_SITE'};
  my $build = $ENV{'MMID_BUILD'};
  my $user = $ENV{'MMID_USER'};
  my $pwd = $ENV{'MMID_PWD'};
  my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost",
                                      port => 4444,
                                      browser => "*$browser",
                                      browser_url =>
"http://$site.example.com/"; );
  sleep 5;
  cmp_ok ($sel->get_text("css=div[id=footerNarrow]"), "=~", $build,
"Correct build number")
        or BAIL_OUT("Build number doesn't match!");
  like($sel->get_title(), qr/ - Login/, "Login page");
  $sel->type_ok("LoginID", "$user");
  $sel->type_ok("LoginPWD", "$pwd");

Is there a cleaner way to pass those variables into each test script?

How can I make this loop through some tests multiple times with
different sets of data each time?

Is there a better forum for these questions?

Thank you,

Bob McConnell

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