Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:
> I wrote a program to fetch email from a IMAP account, look to see if I
> sent it, if yes execute any commands in the email and email the results
> back to via a SMTP server.
> 2) Secondly since this program executes commands from a potentially
> insecure source I'd like to know if you find any security issues with
> my code. I used Mail::IMAPClient::get_header($_,"From") to verify
> that I'm sending myself commands-- is this safe?

No. Mail headers are easily forged. You should probably be using PGP or S/MIME 
to authenticate your request. The request body should also include a request 
seqeuence number that you could use to guard against a replay-attack where an 
attacker would resend an old valid mail.


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