I am excited to announce the formation of the Perl 5 Documentation
Team.  Our goal is to have the best, most current, and easiest to use
and understand documentation of any programming language.  Why settle
for small goals?

Since the success of this team will depend on having both expert and
novice points of view, membership is open to all, regardless of
experience level with Perl.  This is an excellent opportunity for
people who would like to make a contribution back to the Perl
community to do so in a way that doesn't require expert programming

If you are interested in being part of the team, please subscribe to
[the Perl Documentation mailing list][1], as future discussion will
occur there (look for the thread named "I want to sign up").  If you
know of other people who may be interested in being part of this
effort, please pass this message on to them.

Areas where the team will be active include:

  * Reviewing and updating documentation to ensure that it is
      friendly to new users
  * Updating examples in documentation to a style compatible with
      Modern Perl practices
  * Updating the documentation so that all examples longer than one
      line contain a `use` statement indicating the minimum version of
      Perl 5 required to run the example
  * Monitoring [p5p][2] for incoming documentation patches, ensuring
      they contain a patch against the current delta, and forwarding
      them to committers as needed
  * Monitoring p5p for patches that will require modification of
      documentation, and ensuring that the documentation is modified
  * Verifying that perlglossary contains current accurate
      definitions for all jargon terms

Goals to be met for the Perl 5.14.0 release include:

  * Recruit novice and experienced Perl programmers to the team, and
      create a Perl module (a la Perl::Staff) and a Perl 5 wiki entry
      listing the team members
  * Finalize [perlopquick][3] as a replacement for perlop and
      modify the new perlop so that perlop and a shorter perlopref can
      be generated from a single source document
  * Extend perldoc to use the new perlop to provide documentation on
      operators (tenative proposal: perldoc -O "^=")
  * Create a perlfuncref, a series of short summaries of information
      in perlfunc, analogous to perlopref (Again, both of these will
      be generated from a single source document for ease of
  * Define a policy for documenting documentation changes in
      the Perl deltas (e.g. perl5133delta.pod)
  * Define a set of documentation style guidelines, covering
      structure, style, and content
  * Formally define the Perl 5 Documentation Team functions
  * Set deadlines for the defining of longer term goals
  * Create a logo for the Perl 5 Documentation Team
  * Find a better name or nickname for the Perl 5 Documentation Team

Potential longer term (post-5.14.0) goals:

  * Clean up perlre
  * Extensive review and Modernization of all examples
  * Develop a plan to integrate with the [Pod2 translation project][4]

 [1]: http://lists.perl.org/list/perl-documentation.html
 [2]: http://lists.perl.org/list/perl5-porters.html
 [3]: http://github.com/cowens/perlopquick
 [4]: http://pod2.perl.org/

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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