From: M.Lewis

> On 07/27/2010 01:11 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
>> On Tuesday 27 Jul 2010 03:58:06 M.Lewis wrote:
>>> I'm migrating an old RedHat server to a new Debian server. In
>>> the data there's a problem in that on the RH server the UID starts
>>> 500, on the Debian server the UID starts at 1000. Resulting in
>>> like this:
>>> Old User    New
>>> UID Name    UID
>>> 500 Moe     1000
>>> 501 Larry   1001
>>> 502 Curley  1002
>>> 503 Shemp   1003
>>> I've tossed this around in my head and haven't really arrived at a
>>> method to correct the UID's on the new server. I presume there will
be a
>>> similar problem with GID's as well, although I've not yet confirmed
>> My suggestion is to simply copy the appropriate lines from the
/etc/passwd to
>> the new /etc/passwd.
>>> I'm hopeful that someone will give me an idea that will give me a
>>> kick-start so to speak.
> Thanks Shlomi. But in order for that to work, I would have to retain
> 'old' UID numbering system, rather than use the 'new' (Debian)
> system. If I wanted to do that, your solution would work fine.
> Maybe I've missed something.

Maybe it would help if you explained what you mean by "correct the UID's
on the new server." Shlomi explained one method of correcting them, but
apparently that's not what you had in mind.

Bob McConnell

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