From:   Rob Coops <>
> It really depends on what you are looking to do though, if you are aiming
> for just a simple thing with only a few messages then don't worry
> about XML::LibXML
> and go for XML::Simple which is more then enough in most simple cases ;-)

Except that it's not so simple to set it up to give you consistent 
data structure with things like optional tag attributes and repeated 
tags. See

> I found that both Twig and Treebuilder are great if you are looking at
> modifying the XML (add extra nodes, alter existing nodes) but since they
> build a full tree structure for the XML file you are working with depending
> on the size and complexity of the file this could cause serious memory
> bloat, and even out of memory errors.

XML::Twig (as the name suggests) is not supposed to build a full tree 
structure, but rather lets you work with parts of the document. The 

I personally believe XML::LibXML is overcomplicated, but some people 
seem to like it.

===== === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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