On 7 August 2011 21:24, Shawn H Corey <shawnhco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11-08-07 11:46 AM, Ramprasad Prasad wrote:
>> I used a mysql database , but the order by clause used to hang the
>> process indefinitely
>> If I sort files in smaller chunks how can I merge them back ??
> Please use "Reply All" when responding to a message on this list.
> You need two temporary files and lots of disk space.
> 1. Open the first and second sorted files.
> 2. Read one record from each.
> 3. Write the lesser record to the first temporary file.
> 4. Read another record from the file where you got the record you wrote.
> 5. If not eof, goto 3.
> 6. Write the remaining of the other file to the end of the temporary file.
> Repeat the above with the first temporary file and the third sorted file,
> writing the result to the second temporary file.
> Repeat the above with the second temporary file and the fourth sorted file,
> writing the result to the first temporary file.
> And so on...
> Rename the final temporary file to your sorted file name.
There would be a CPAN module already doing this ??

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