tried further, still no resolution:
file1 = (space seperated values)
outputfile = (colum1, and 5 onwards)  field seperator would be space.
from linux:  cut -f1,5- -d" " file |grep -v "^0" | sort -n > to_file;  
 @tmpAR = <tmpFH>;
 foreach $line (@tmpAR) {
  @tmpAR2 = split(/ /,"$line");
  $line2 = "$tmpAR[0] $tmpAR[5..-1]";
 @tmpAR3 = sort(@tmpAR3);
 print @tmpAR3;

From: Rajeev Prasad <>
To: Rajeev Prasad <>; Perl Beginners <>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: how to do this in perl (from unix)

I tried this
 @tmpAR = <tmpFH>;
 push(my @tmpAR2,$tmpAR[0]);

 push (@tmpAR2,$tmpAR[5..-1]);

 my @tmpAR3 = grep {!/^0 /} @tmpAR2;

 @tmpAR3 = sort(@tmpAR3);

 print @tmpAR3;
but getting error:
Argument "" isn't numeric in array element at ./ line 31.

output is not coming correct, only first row of original file is coming.....

From: Rajeev Prasad <>
To: Perl Beginners <>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 6:38 PM
Subject: how to do this in perl (from unix)

from linux:
cut -f1,5- -d" " file |grep -v "^0" | sort -n > to_file;   <======this line: 
how to achieve this in perl?
will below work,  in perl?
if ( ! -s $sourcedir/somefile ){

 @tmpAR = <tmpFH>;

 push(@tmpAR2,$tmpAR[0],$tmpAR[5..]);        #select on columns 1 and 5 onwards 
from the original file

 my @tmpAR3 = grep {!^[0 ]} @tmpAR2;         #omit line with 0 in the beginning

 @tmpAR3 = sort(@tmpAR3);                        # sort on the first column

we can then print tmpAR3 to a file.
plz. advice. thx.

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