John W. Krahn wrote:
Rajeev Prasad wrote:
from linux:

cut -f1,5- -d" " file |grep -v "^0" | sort -n> to_file;<======this
line: how to achieve this in perl?

open IN_FH, '<', 'file' or die "Cannot open 'file' because: $!";
open OUT_FH, '>', 'to_file' or die "Cannot open 'to_file' because: $!";

print OUT_FH sort { $a <=> $b } map join( " ", ( split / +/, $_, 5 )[ 0,
-1 ] ), <IN_FH>;

Correction!  I forgot the grep part:

open IN_FH,  '<', 'file'    or die "Cannot open 'file' because: $!";
open OUT_FH, '>', 'to_file' or die "Cannot open 'to_file' because: $!";

print OUT_FH sort { $a <=> $b } map /^0/ ? () : join( ' ', ( split / +/, $_, 5 )[ 0, -1 ] ), <IN_FH>;

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and
more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction.                   -- Albert Einstein

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