Hi Shlomi,

> The problem here that /g confuses Perl and puts it in the \G anchor mode.
> Removing both /g fixes the problem. Some other notes:
> 1. You don't really need to say [...]+ inside the regex. [....] here would be
> enough.

        Unfortunately, removing the /g and the + doesn't help.  (Updated code 

> 2. You may opt to use perldoc -f map instead of foreach here.

        I don't fully understand map yet. =:\  That's why I'm using foreach.

> 3. Since the foreach aliases the variable, you can modify the array in-place.

        Sorry, but you've lost me here.  Could you give an example?


my $string = 'Off The Menu';

my @words = split(/ /, $string);
my @new_words;
foreach my $word (@words) {
        if ((length $word >= 3 and length $word <= 4) and ! ($word =~ 
m/^[aeiouy]$/i or $word =~ m/^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]$/i)) {
                $word = uc($word);
        push @new_words, $word;
$string = "@new_words";

print $string . "\n";

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