>>>>> "M" == Marc  <sono...@fannullone.us> writes:

  M> Jim and David,
  >> m/^[aeiouy]+$/i

  M> I tried your suggestions but it still gives the same result:

  M>    my $string = 'Off The Menu';

  M>    my @words = split(/ /, $string);
  M>            my @new_words;
  M>            foreach my $word (@words) {
  M>                    if ((length $word >= 3 and length $word <= 4) and ! 
($word =~ m/^[aeiouy]+$/i or $word =~ m/^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i)) {

your boolean logic is wrong. you want to get rid of the ! in there. you
upper case if the word size is right AND it has all vowels or all
consonants. your negation makes it do this for regular words (mixed
vowel/consonant) of the right size


Uri Guttman  --  uri AT perlhunter DOT com  ---  http://www.perlhunter.com --
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