thx guys, i was not aware of this version'ing view in open source.

so i am now trying to use this module now. but i guess i have a very basic 

currently i am running following in a loop for all hosts (and a inner loop for 
all commands for a host):

    my ($MFSSH) = Net::OpenSSH->new($HOST,
                            user => $USER,
                            password => $PASS,
                            default_stderr_fh => $stderr_fh,
                            default_stdout_fh => $stdout_fh,
                            master_opts => [-o => 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
                                                 -o => 'ConnectTimeout 10'],
    $EXITCODE = $MFSSH->error;
    next if ($EXITCODE ne "0");            #go to next host if ssh fails
    foreach $CMD (@MFCMDS){
    ( @CMDRESULT, $CMDERR ) = $MFSSH->capture("$CMD");

how can i use Net::OpenSSH::Parallel this script? i mean i understood creating 
a new instance like pssh in the module CPAN page, but not sure how to integrate 
it with the script i already have.

thx in advance.

From: Shlomi Fish <>
To: Paul Johnson <>
Cc: Rajeev Prasad <>; Perl Beginners <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: how good is Net::OpenSSH::Parallel  in your experience

On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 02:32:58 +0200
Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 04:35:07PM -0700, Rajeev Prasad wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > i am planning to use this module, but its version is 0.11 ! and author says 
> > it is beta quality. i am using  Net::OpenSSH which is also below ver 1.0 
> > but i have had no issues with it so far.
> > 
> > does anyone have any good/bad experience with this module?
> I don't, but I think you are probbaly reading far too much into both the
> version number and its described status.  0.11 may well mean that the module
> has had 11 releases.  Would you consider that good or bad?  It depends, I
> suppose.
> And beta quality?  That *should* mean that the author believes the module is
> complete, functional and working apart from any already noted bugs, and it is
> now ready for further testing in real world situations by real users.  That
> seems to be pretty good quality to me.

Indeed. As Eric Raymond notes in:

This rule underlies the fact that open-source software tends to stay in beta 
for a long time, and not get even a 1.0 version number until the developers are 
very sure it will not hand out a lot of nasty surprises. In the closed-source 
world, Version 1.0 means ``Don't touch this if you're prudent.''; in the 
open-source world it reads something more like ``The developers are willing to 
bet their reputations on this.''.

Also there's some discussion of Padre reaching version 1.0 here:

And I should note that most of my original modules on are below 1.0 (possibly the only exception is 
HTML-Widgets-NavMenu, where I bumped the middle version digit too liberally and 
had to release 1.0), and yet they should be usable.

On the fun side see this IRC conversation:

     <d3x>  btw, you can do mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile file.mp3
     <d3x>  no need to reencode
<rindolf>  This -dumpfile is a nice trick.
<rindolf>  Is it new?
<rindolf>  I wonder when mplayer will hit 1.0 already.
<rindolf>  Ah.
<rindolf>  All the stuff I saw told me to use WAV and then encode.
     <d3x>  mplayer and 1.0? i'm not really sure it's their goal
<rindolf>  They will stay at 1.0RC-foo forever?
     <d3x>  although i would be glad if they had some sensible versioning
<rindolf>  Yes.
<rindolf>  At the moment perl-Mojolicious is at 0.999924.
<rindolf>  At least perl-Moose hit 1.00
     <d3x>  lol
<rindolf>  Without any substantial changes from 0.99.
<rindolf>  But you've got to upgrade somehow.
<rindolf>  perl-Moose is MDV/RH notation, but I like it.
     <d3x>  imo it's just stupid not to release 1.0
<rindolf>  I dislike libmoose-perl
<rindolf>  Yes.
     <d3x>  wine did so and now they have normal versioning
<rindolf>  Though most of my CPAN modules are sub-1.0.
<rindolf>  I think except for one module (where I used 0.2.0 0.4.0 and
            eventually hit 0.8.0 and had to go to 1.000) all my 1.0 and
            above modules are adopted.
     <d3x>  they are sub-1.0, but they are not 0.9.999.2010.03.11-rc5
     <d3x>  :)
<rindolf>  One of them used the CVS revisions as versions.
<rindolf>  d3x : LOL.
<rindolf>  Yes.
<rindolf>  d3x: can I quote you on that?
     <d3x>  i say it's stupid to make releases up to 0.9.something and
            then not to release 1.0
<rindolf>  I collect quotes on my homepage.
     <d3x>  sure you can
<rindolf>  At the moment I have freecell-solver-2.42.0
<rindolf>  But I hope the new release will be 3.0.0
     <d3x>  the one that was bought by freecell enterprise? :D
<rindolf>  I've left GNOME and gtk+/glib behind.
<rindolf>  d3x yes.
<rindolf>  Freecell Solver Enterprises™ Inc.
<rindolf>  Ah, so you've seen that.
     <d3x>  yes, you posted a link on #debian
<rindolf>  Yes.
<rindolf>  You should add a digest to the version.
<rindolf>  0.9.999.2010.03.11-rc5-adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc
     <d3x>  lol
<rindolf>  In case you're using git or hg.

    -- d3x and Shlomi Fish (rindolf) about FOSS Versioning
    -- private conversation, Freenode



    Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
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To err is human; to apologise — divine.

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