On Sep 14, 11:57 pm, rp.ne...@yahoo.com (Rajeev Prasad) wrote:
> trying to use this module now. but i guess i have a very basic issue:
> currently i am running following in a loop for all hosts (and a inner loop 
> for all commands for a host):
>     my ($MFSSH) = Net::OpenSSH->new($HOST,
>                             user => $USER,
>                             password => $PASS,
>                             default_stderr_fh => $stderr_fh,
>                             default_stdout_fh => $stdout_fh,
>                             master_opts => [-o => 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
>                                                  -o => 'ConnectTimeout 10'],
>                             );
>     $EXITCODE = $MFSSH->error;
>     next if ($EXITCODE ne "0");            #go to next host if ssh fails
>     foreach $CMD (@MFCMDS){
>     chomp($CMD);
>     ( @CMDRESULT, $CMDERR ) = $MFSSH->capture("$CMD");
>     }
> how can i use Net::OpenSSH::Parallel this script? i mean i understood 
> creating a new instance like pssh in the module CPAN page, but not sure how 
> to integrate it with the script i already have.

Net::OpenSSH::Parallel does not allow capturing directly the output of
commands into perl scalars. You have to redirect it to some file and
then reread it.

It would be easier to help you if you tells us what you need to do
from a higher level.

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