Hi ml,

I find you hard to understand, but I'll try.

On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 03:06:27 +0100
ml <m...@smtp.fakessh.eu> wrote:

> hello the list
> hello "the" perl guru
> hello this
> I want to know how to work on slices of lists. 
> I has 3 slices of the form.
> $t[0] = user;
> $t[1] = ip; 
> $t[2] = time();

First of all, $t[0], $t[1] and $t[2] are not slices of a list,  but *elements*
of the *array* variable "@t". Slices are something like @arr[4 .. 10] or
@arr[@indexes]. Otherwise, you should generally avoid using arrays for such data
of heterogeneous types and kinds, and instead use objects or at least hashes.


* http://perl-begin.org/topics/object-oriented/

* http://perl-begin.org/topics/hashes/

> the registration of the list are checked by me

Do you mean that you check that the list is properly populated. 

> I know what the file contains
> and recording are separated by a space (/\s+/)

Should it be "records" instead of "recording"?

> I would like to test on how many times a user or an ip c is connected
> via the time value and authorize or not the execution of the following
> function
> I'd like to explain to me how to do testing on lists and list slices

You can use any of the Perl operators and functions that operate on lists and
arrays like "foreach", http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/grep.html ,
http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/map.html or 
http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?List::Util ,
http://search.cpan.org/dist/List-MoreUtils/ , 
http://search.cpan.org/dist/List-UtilsBy/ ,

There's more information about it in the books and tutorials on
http://perl-begin.org/ and on http://perl-tutorial.org/ .


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Rethinking CPAN - http://shlom.in/rethinking-cpan

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And he wrote it in 24 hours, while taking snack breaks.

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