On Jul 5, 2012, at 10:46 AM, David Precious wrote:

> On Thu, 5 Jul 2012 09:30:01 -0400
> Phil Pinkerton <pcpinker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ok using the example input file I got errors
>> Use of uninitialized value $current_resource in string eq
>> at /Library/Perl/5.12/SVN/Access.pm line 70, <ACL> line 3.
> [...]
>> Invalid resource format in ! (format 'repo:/path')!
> Ah, I recall now I had to uncomment the "#[groups]" line in the example
> input you originally supplied before the script would work.
>> but substituting a copy of our actual svn access file I get
>> Can't add new group cvs_cscda_owners: group already exists!
>> So I may have a format issue with the example inout file
> Yeah, sounds like there's something potentially wrong with the input
> file - have you perhaps defined the cvs_cscda_owners group twice?

I think I found the problem at first I though it was the double spaces ( lines) 
between the repositories, but
after I commented out what listed properly I re-ran and got further down the 

What I saw was a pattern that was if a repository had subdirectories listed but 
no group assigned the script stopped
When I commented those lines out or added groups  it continued.


@group = rw
@group2 = r


'script stops here' <--------

example 2:


@group = rw
@group2 = r

@group3 = rw
@group1 = r

@grou4 = rw
@group2 = rrw

@group5 = rw
@group6 = r

'script continues ok' < ---------------


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