On Thu, 4 Oct 2012 18:11:50 +0000
Mark Haney <ma...@abemblem.com> wrote:

> I've got a Template Toolkit template that is driving me insane.  I've
> hit the TT list, but it seems more and more like the problem may be
> more perl related than a templating issue.  I've attached the
> offending files so now let me show what the problem is.
> I have two SQL statements that pull factory data from one and shift
> data from another.  My problem is when the data gets passed to the
> template, I get the 'factories' array, but not the 'shifts' array.  I
> did a data dump just after the my $vars declaration of the perl code
> and get this:
> markh@ubuhost:~$ cat /tmp/shifts.info
> $VAR1 = \{
>             'shifts' => \[

This may be a culprit - it seems to be a reference to a scalar that is itself
an array reference. Usually just doing:

my %hash = 
        'shifts' => \@arr,

is enough.

>                             [
>                               'First'
>                             ],

And it contains more array references. :-S

Maybe you wish to consult one of the resources at:



        Shlomi Fish

>                             [
>                               'Second'
>                             ],
>                             [
>                               'third'
>                             ],
>                             [
>                               'weekend'
>                             ]
>                           ],
>             'factories' => [
>                              {
>                                'abbr' => 'AB',
>                                'id' => '1'
>                              },
>                              {
>                                'abbr' => 'EBM',
>                                'id' => '2'
>                              },
>                              {
>                                'abbr' => 'QEM',
>                                'id' => '3'
>                              }
>                            ],
>             'cgi' => bless( {
>                               '.parameters' => [],
>                               'use_tempfile' => 1,
>                               '.charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
>                               '.fieldnames' => {},
>                               'param' => {},
>                               'escape' => 1
>                             }, 'CGI' )
>           };
> markh@ubuhost:~$
> So, I KNOW that the data is there and SHOULD be passed to the
> template.  However, when I do a datadump from the template I get this:
> $VAR1 = [
> {
> 'abbr' => 'AB',
> 'id' => '1'
> },
> {
> 'abbr' => 'EBM',
> 'id' => '2'
> },
> {
> 'abbr' => 'QEM',
> 'id' => '3'
> }
> ];
> $VAR1 = 'shift_rpt.pl';
> This can't really be that complicated can it?  I mean, it makes no
> sense to pass PART of the data in $vars, but not all.  Can someone
> offer any suggestions?

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Escape from GNU Autohell - http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/autohell/

To have bugs is human; to fix them — divine.

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