I know get a new OS :)

First I installed strawberry perl but it has no GUItest and I couldn't get 
guitest to install. Then I deleted strawberry and I installed 
padre-on-strawberry because it says it already contains GUItest and now I can't 
get anything but notepad to open the pl files. I have to type perl.exe test.pl 
every time and I'm just way to lazy for that.

I tried all the regular ways to change file extensions in XP. Perl.exe isn't 
listed in the window, I hit the "browse" button go though the files to perl.exe 
and hit open or double click and that window goes away but 'pl files still open 
with notepad. I tried deleting the .pl in the registry and entering pl as "new" 
but that didn't work either.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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