On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 02:31:30AM +0100, Rob Dixon wrote:
> Matt <matt.mailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >I have this:
> >
> >while (<IN>) {
> >    chomp;
> >    next if /^#/;
> >    # do stuff
> >    }
> >
> >
> >It skips to the next item in the while loop of the string begins with
> ># and works fine.  I would also like to skip to the next item in the
> >loop if the string contains anything other then lowercase,
> >underscores, numbers, dashes, periods, and spaces.  I do not want
> >uppercase characters and any sort of other special characters.  How
> >would I do that?
> The solution from John Krahn is superior by far, and there is no need for any 
> other suggestions.

John's solution:
    next if /[^[:lower:]_\d\-. ]/;

Doesn't work in this test environment:
    michael@bivy:~$ cat tpl && ./tpl
    use strict;
    use warnings;

    print "\nJohn's solution\n";
    while(<DATA>) {
        print "Seen line: $_";
        next if /[^[:lower:]_\d\-. ]/;

    a good line
    Testing John code
    a #!! should not print line
    _ Should be OK line
    finish with a printing line

    John's solution
    Seen line: a good line
    Seen line: Testing John code
    Seen line: a #!! should not print line
    Seen line: _ Should be OK line
    Seen line: finish with a printing line

            Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
          Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
  Other Adventures: http://www.jamhome.us/ or http://gplus.to/MichaelRpdx
A special random fortune cookie fortune:
When you don't know what to do, do the work in front of you.
        ~  Calvin Coolidge

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