In message <>, I wrote:

>About a day ago, some schmuck set about to try, hard, to exploit the
>personally written Perl code I have in place and that processes the
>input for the contact form on my web site...

I neglected to mention that this was obviously nothing personal.  Many
of the messages I did get as a result of these exploit attempts contained
the string "3137 LagunaStreet".

A google of that exact string, quoted, turns up:

    1)  A probably entirely unrelated and innocent Real Estate firm in
        San Francisco, and...

    2)  ... more than 125K hits having something to do with this same
        schmuck going around making attempts to exploit other forms on
        other people's web sites, clearly with evil, if not to say
        criminal intent.  (Some of the hits suggest that this is just
        a comment spammer, but the messages I did get via my not-actually-
        exploited contact form on my web site indicate clearly that he
        was trying hard to lay hands on my /etc/passwd file, and I rather
        doubt that mere comment spammers do that.)


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