In message <>, I wrote:

>>> Well, I added to the script some rudimentary filtering/validation of
>>> the input strings in question also.
>>you need more than rudimentary filtering. make sure the from field is 
>>one string, no newlines or anything but printable text.
>Um, yes, sorry. I failed to make my meaning plain.
>When I said "rudimentary filtering" of the input strings, what I really
>had intended to say was that I implemented "quick and dirty" filtering of
>the strings in question that is grotesquely *over*-restrictive in each
>case.  (The input validation steps for both name and e-mail address
>*should*, ideally, be much looser than what I have now, but I am too
>busy just now to deal with it.)
>For example, if you try *now* to use my contact form and if you try to
>use any ``funny'' characters at all in either your name or your e-mail
>address, the current data collection script will basically refuse that
>data and then tell you to try again.
>(I hope that nobody from Europe who has umlauts or grave accents in the
>correct spellings of their names needs to use that form to contact me 
>anytime soon. :-)

As a hypothetical, assume for the moment that one day I will have time
to implement the validation of the input strings ``properly''.   Does
anyone wnat to pass me a free clue or two as to how I might do this?

The contact form is *really* simple:

I know that parsing e-mail address _properly_, i.e. according to all
current RFC rules can be really rather complex, so I'll start by
looking around to see if there is some existing off-the-shelf Perl
package that will do this for me.  (Anybody know which one I should
be looking at on CPAN?)  And I also know that if I want to be really
persnickety, I'll even check the domain name part to make sure it
has either an associated MX or A record in DNS.  I may do that too,
but I don't need any help for that, because I already know my way
around the DNS:: stuff.

As regards to the (person's) name data, can anybody suggest a good and
proper filter for that?  I'd like it to reject any string that contains
*any* characters that simply do not ever belong in a person's name...
not just newlines and such.  For example, I don't know anybody who writes
their name with a (US) dollar sign or exclamation point or a asterisk,
or most other special characters.  But  I don't really know poo about
international character sets or how to handle them properly, so I really
have no idea how to even start working on a ``proper'' filter for the
name string.

Any helpful tips would be appreciated.


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