On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Marc Perry <marcperrys...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Has anyone else encountered this?  I had to dig down deep in my testing
> lore and run 'prove -v t/simple.t' before I could find the STDERR that
> revealed this.  When I reviewed the files in the Module, sure enough:
> use Module::Build::Tiny (which unfortunately I don't have and am trying to
> install).  Surely this is a bug?

Well no, it's not a bug. Step back and consider: How else is a module going
to test itself, if not by using its own functions?

What your prove line is missing is a -b, which, after either 'make' or
'./Build', will include the paths to the files the module needs in @INC.

For what it's worth, M::B::T install fine for me on Android and OS X -- if
you can still reproduce your build issue, it'd probably be pretty helpful
to report it in the module's github page.

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