continuing to play with the cygwin64 perl blead that I built on Aug-12th.
 I mentioned the strange infinite loop in the questioning of gpg tool;
haven't had time to research why that happened, yet.  I'm trying to get
basic reporting facilities up, as I have yet to report a single cygwin
report.  All of my testing is failing within configure so force does not
help and of course they don't get reported.

As I mentioned before I have to be cognizant of the environment variables
shared with my windows strawberry perl.
This means at first I was tried all these options with PERL_YAML_BACKEND
and PERL_JSON_BACKEND set...which didn't work.  So I've also tried
unsetting them, ensuring they were not in env/set output, and trying to
install again.

It appears that PERL_YAML_BACKEND defaults to YAML when no value is set.

the issue it seems resides within: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.21.3/CPAN/
    $backend = Parse::CPAN::Meta->yaml_backend();
    $data = eval { no strict 'refs'; &{"$backend\::Dump"}($struct) };
    if ( $@ ) {
      croak $backend->can('errstr') ? $backend->errstr : $@

# running Build.PL
 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.21.3/CPAN/ line 613.

I've tried forcing installing YAML::XS, YAML, YAML::Tiny, YAML::Old,

They all give me a similar error about the backend not being there;  what
am I missing?  Do I need to be bootstrapping these files manually?
 Shouldn't a basic backend support for YAML/JSON come out of the box with
perl blead?

I appreciate any help/guidance.

--dave - built perl using
instructions found here.

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