
        I am writing a script that will look through e-mail headers and input 
information into a database bases on some rules. I am using the Message-ID field in 
the mail header as input for some of the fields and am having problems with pattern 
matching since some of the characters in the Message-ID header are the dollar sign ($).

        Specifically, I am having some problems on a sub routine that will search 
through a list of message IDs and remove the one that matches what is passed to the 
routine. Below is the subroutine in question. I have some trouble-shooting lines at 
the bottom, normally it would do the splice and return. @mess_order is the array of 
the message IDs defined earlier in the script.

sub killit {
  my $remove = shift;
  my $pos = ();

  for (my $i = 0; $i < @mess_order; ++$i) {
    if ($mess_order[$i] =~ /^$remove$/i) {
      $pos = $i;

  my $foo = splice (@mess_order, $pos, 1,);
  print "Child: \"$remove\"\n";
  print "Foo:   \"$foo\"\n";
  print "i:     \"$pos\"\n";
  print "\n";

        Below is a snipper of the output from the program showing a success and then a 
failure (with only the domain names altered for privacy). Note that Foo: is what was 
spliced out of the array. From the output, it looks as though perl is not able to find 
a match, so $i does not get assigned a value, and therefore splice takes the first 
thing off the array stack. There are about eighty e-mails that I am testing with, and 
all the ones that have the problem are ones with a $ in the Message-ID, so that leads 
me to believe that Perl is interpreting the $ as a variable in the =~ comparrison. I 
am not 100% sure about this since I am using strict, and I would think strict would 
produce an error for that.

i:     "1"

Child: "016b01c15bff$a8fc0000$7b0158c6@xp"
Foo:   "501562527.1003864001247.JavaMail.foo@foo"
i:     ""

        If there is a better list to send this to, then please let me know. I could 
not find an appropriate one on http://lists.cpan.org/, so please clue me in.

=-= Robert Thompson

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