I've given myself a headache googling on how to debug a perl script
that does not run.

Maybe `debug' is the wrong word... I'd love to know if there is a more
accurage one.

I realize this post is quite a lot of yak, but hoping someone can lay
out a few steps that will narrow down the problem.

Many, many of the google hits are all about using the debugger, which
of course is a non-starter if the darn script will not run due to
compilation errors..

I have about 100 lines or so inside a File::Find:

  find (
     sub {
     }, $tdir;

Type of setup. I've beat down the multitudiness errors that perl found
during compilation.  Down to the last one I'm getting.

Before posting all the boring, poorly written code, I thought I'd ask if people
here can outline a few things to do in a case like this.

So far, after getting down to this complilation error:

  syntax error at ./t line 96, near "$tdir;"
  Execution of ./t aborted due to compilation errors.

I've gone thru the lines trying to find what is causing the
error but of course am overlooking it.  

Then I pulled just the find(...) part out, put it in its own file.. no
bang line or nothing and just ran it like: ` perl myscript'.

The error above was the result.

So, how to start breaking down the code to find the problem?

On the surface I can not see a syntactical error at that line.

which looks like this ... snipped:


          }                <==          incloses an if clause
        }                  <==          incloses a while loop
        close $fh;
      }, $tdir;            <==          inclusing subroutine

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