As a novice in perl I realize that it’s a bit presumptuous for me to attempt 
references and complex data structures. But I had a need and gave it a shot — a 
failing shot. I’ve been fiddling with my failure, almost mindlessly, all 
weekend; now I need some help.

Below is the template segment I am trying to populate with data, and following 
it is the segment of code that attempts to call it. The output I get in my 
browser is persistently empty, with every instance of [% %] being replaced with 

                        start HTML ------------
[% FOREACH course IN courses %]
<h2 id="[% course.cat_abbr %]">[% courses.category %]</h2><br><br>

<table> <caption> [% course.caption %] </caption>
<!-- LEVEL 4 -->
<tr style="background-color: Plum">
  <td>L4 (HN)</td>
  <td><input type="checkbox" name="course_file" 
             value="[% course.title %]_q1l4v[% courses.version %]"> 1-4</td>
  <td><input type="checkbox"  name="course_file" 
             value="[% course.title %]_q2l4v[% course.version %]"> 2-4</td>
  <td><input type="checkbox" name="course_file" 
             value="[% course.title %]_q3l4v[% course.version %]"> 3-4</td>
  <td><input type="checkbox" name="course_file" 
             value="[% course.title %]_q4l4v[% course.version %]"> 4-4</td>

[% END %]
<!-- end of Template loop —>

                        end HTML ————————————— start perl:

my ( $cat_abbr, $category, $title, $caption, $version ); # for Template
my ( @courses, $string ); # for calculating
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
    ( $cat_abbr, $category, $title, $version ) = split /\t/, $line;
    chomp $version;
    $caption = $title;
        $caption =~ s{_|\-}{ }xmsg;     # replace _ and - with space
        $caption =~ s{\b(\w)}{\U$1}g;   # impose simple titlecase
        $caption = "$caption" . ' (version ' . "$version" . ')';

    push @courses,
            cat_abbr => $cat_abbr,
            category => $category,
            caption  => $caption,
            title    => $title,
            version  => $version,

my %list = (list => \@courses);

# Call Template Toolkit
local $| = 1; # auto flush buffer
my $path = "/big/dom/x$server/www/templates";
my $tt = Template->new(
    {INCLUDE_PATH => "$path"}
my $input = '';
my $vars = \%list;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
$tt->process($input, $vars) 
    or die $tt->error();


# tab separated lines of trial data
eng     ENGLISH english 2
                american-literature     1
                english-literature      1
sci     SCIENCE integrated-science      2
                biology 2
                chemistry       1
                physics 1
soc     SOCIAL STUDIES  geography-and-cultures  1
                world-history   2
                american-history        1
ele     ELECTIVES       health  1

Any and all advice will be most welcome!
Rick Triplett

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