Are you on Linux or using Strawberry Perl?
I used Activestate for 15+ years and I was surprised
by how easy it was to move to Strawberry Perl about
3 years ago.  It's pretty darn easy to install modules
with Strawberry Perl and seems to work every time.


Uri, thanks for the boatload of useful suggestions! I will am busying myself with understanding and applying them.

Regarding Template::Simple, this module isn’t among the many that my host has installed, and I have not had success trying to learn how to install stuff from CPAN. Fortunately I’m beginning to get the hang of Template Toolkit, and I may need it for more complex situations that come up. Switching from HTML::template this year was a challenge, and I had to rewrite a lot of my perl to go with it. I know that most perl people are good at using the CPAN resource, but I’m just a high school teacher who dabbles in perl. And at age 74 I have to be choosy about which learning curves I take on!

Still, if anyone can point me to a “beginners guide” to using CPAN, I’ll take a look at it.

Rick Triplett

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