--- Daniel Falkenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have just finally finished a WWW based Perl program that can
> add/delete and change users password from a WWW based script.  I have
> tried to make this script as secure as I can. The script can modify the
> /etc/passwd files.... has any one seen a script like this before?
> Thx,
> Dan

Um... I have some concerns about this.  Allowing something Web-based to modify 
/etc/passwd seems
to be begging for trouble.  You *are* using shadow passwords, right?  If your 
passwords are in
/etc/passwd (I think they're encoded with an MD5 digest, but I'm not sure), then 
allowing someone
a way to play with them is begging for trouble.

How are you authenticating?  Is this being run over SSL?  Are you just using Basic 
 Are you using none?  This just screams "Danger Will Robinson, Danger" (which is 
rather odd,
because my name is not "Will Robinson").

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
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