Michael Pratt wrote:
> I cant seem to get the ARGV to work right via web I get not found error but
> it works via command line. whats the trick?
> It works if I do this get_file.pl test1.txt test2.txt
> but it wont work via http://www.host.com/cgi-bin/get_files.pl test1.txt
> test2.txt

You should read some about cgi:s (perhaps even join the cgi beginners
list?) as these are called completely different.
the way to call cgi's is:

then you get the query_string in $ENV{QUERY_STRING} in this format:
so from there you can either split and insert into a hash/hashref/set
scalars or use the CGI.pm module. 

But as i said, cgi's differ quite a bit from 'normal' perl so you should
read some about it, why not perldoc CGI?

Good luck


> Mike
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