Question strikes me as a great idea Jeff.

Well I'm still afflicted by the awful leperous backtick habit so this might not
be right but it was fast, and the result sure looks like a duck.



#!perl.exe -w

# Collect perldoc results into a single file.
# Keys in on '^=' to determine if documentation is available.
# Result available at
# This was on Windows.  Obviously, adjust per system.

@files = `dir /s /b D:\\PERL\\*`;

chomp @files;

foreach $file (@files) {
        $fileoriginal = $file;
        $file =~ s#\\#\\\\#g;
        next if -d $file;
        open (FILE,"< $file"); @filecontent = <FILE>; close FILE;
        next if ! grep /^=/, @filecontent;
        $file =~ s#.*\\##;
        $file =~ s#\..*##;
        $doccontent = `perldoc $file`;
        if ($doccontent) {
                print "$fileoriginal\n";
                push @content, "

#print @content;

open (CONTENT, "> perldocs.txt"); print CONTENT @content; close CONTENT;

# Convert to printer-friendly version in Word with:
#    Ctrl-h
#    Find what:  ^p^p^p^p
#    Replace with:  ^p^m
# ^m is a manual page break

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 3:41 AM
> To: Beginners
> Subject: RE: Good CS Literature
> I admire your philosophy!  I purchased Learning Perl on win32 Systems by
> Schwartz, Olson
> & Christiansen read and worked the exercises and use it daily but now at a
> point where I want more.  I want to get a hard copy of the perl reference,
> but not sure what and how to print it out.  I'd like to start with the Perl
> Manpage, POD's (Supporting Manpages) and Perl Module Library.  I can only
> print individual segments from  Does anyone know of an easier
> way to obtain this?  There's a lot to be said for having a hard copy.  Can't
> take my computer to bed but sure would like to fall to sleep skimming
> through perldoc.
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael R. Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 12:35 AM
> Subject: Re: Good CS Literature
> One of the things I've learned in that time is that most
> jobs have two steps.
> 1. get it right
> 2. get it fast
> Most jobs don't have the luxury of getting to step 2.
> Apply the rule of ducks - if it looks like a duck, quacks
> like a duck, and possibly flies like a duck -- it's probably
> a duck.
> Translated:
> If it looks like it's working software, and it acts like
> working software -- it's working software.
> (i.e. who cares if it's not effecient?  If you care next
> week, you can re-work it next week.)

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