
I've tested reading and writing from the same file and it didn't work. I 
  think that can't be done in any language.

Leon wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ahmed Moustafa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: perl.beginners
> To: "Leon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Can you open a file for reading and writing as the same time?
> I have asked the question of can I read and write to the same file
> simultaneously, such as this :-
> open FILE, 'myfile.txt' or die "$!\n";
> open FILE2, '>myfile.txt' or die "$!\n";
> while (<FILE>){
>         # do some changes to $_;
>         print FILE2 $_;
> };
> but I did not get any response. Therefore I dont think we can do that.
> ---- end of msg -----

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