Okay, this is probably more of a sendmail than a PERL question so I apologize.  If 
anyone can give me information or even point me to a sendmail list or resource I would 
appreciate it.

I am writing a PERL script that takes incoming mail, parses the contents, and then 
uses them to update a status page.

I thought the sendmail part would be as simple as adding a "|/path/to/script.pl" to 
the aliases file.  Unfortunately, I do not even have read access to the aliases file 
on my webhost's computer.  I called them and they told me I could accomplish the same 
thing with a .forward file, but that they could not tell me how.

So I tried making a .forward file in my home directory with the line I would have put 
in an aliases file.  But this didn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas, or resources on this?


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